The House On Mango Street Film Analysis Essay

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We have learned many things up to this point in the semester, and one of the things we have learned has been degrouping, and regrouping through social construction. Degrouping is when the dominant group is trying to take away everything that will help the subordinate group achieve success in life. Degrouping is operated at the beginning of the film in the scene where Ramon and Esperanza are in the kitchen talking about sanitation (context and issue) and the social stratification of that scene is that Ramon is lost in the shuffle, he believes that the safety of the miners are more important than the sanitation in their home. The language used in the scene is when Esperanza tells Ramon, “ask for better conditions and for descent plumbing too. …show more content…

Regrouping is when the subordinate group is gaining what was taken away from them through empowerment. Regrouping is operated at the end of the film in the scene where Esperanza gets home from jail (context and issue), the social stratification of that scene is that she is earning equal rights and winning the strike she was incorporated in. The language used in the scene is when Ramon tells Esperanza, “If you think I am going to be a nurse maid for no one you’re crazy, I’ve had these kids all day” and Esperanza responds by saying “I’ve had these kids since they were born”. The social reference of that scene is that Esperanza is breaking away from social norms. Esperanza is not trying to go back to how she used to be, she is looking to succeed in life. Degrouping and regrouping are operated supported by social construction because that is how people create their reality. It all depends on their situation and how it is handled. Social construction is the ways in which people create their perceived reality, and it has different components which are issue, language, system of stratification and social reference. Issue is the topic of the situation, for example in one scene of the film Salt of the Earth the