The Hull House Of Jane Addams Analysis

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The article “The Hull House of Jane Addams” provides an insightful view of the social equality Jane Addams and so many others fought to achieve. Jane Addams established multiple centers and worked diligently to create new laws which protect women and children from cruel working environments in addition to creating fair social and industrial conditions for them. Miss Addams was a very observant woman who noticed the harsh realities of urban living among the lower class families. As a result, she became determined to help ensure their protection and worked to create new laws to provide them with the safety they deserved. Throughout her life, Miss Addams fought hard to achieve equality among all individuals regardless of gender, color, age, or …show more content…

Not only has this article allowed me to understand this course better, but it has also led me to understand how much the world has changed from Edith Abbott’s generation to mine and how the actions of Miss Addams are still prevalent in today’s society. Even today people travel across the world to see Hull-House Museum and teachers describe the impact she had on society. This article not only provides the reader with an emotional tie to Jane Adams, but it also illustrates her struggles in addition to her accomplishments. Edith Abbott reels the reader into the text like a top water bait lures a bass. She begins the article by describing the many accomplishments of Jane Addams, then slowly transitions to the barriers between Jane Addams and the complications she was forced to overcome in order to produce such a prominent impression on society. For these reasons I would highly suggest this article to others if nothing else for the details which describe the challenges and triumphs of Jane Addams. We can never reminded enough how one person can make a great difference in the world around