The Human Body's Five Senses

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From early days, we are educated that the human body has five senses. I am sure that we can all recite them: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Since the time of Aristotle the list has remained unaltered. To most people, a “sixth sense” refers either to one outside the realm of the scientific, or one that simply does not exist in most humans.
When neurologists are asked how many senses human body have then response given by them is quite astonishing. Many people identify nine or more senses- some listing as many as twenty-one. The first category is made up of the somatic senses, which we usually lump under “touch”- including our insight of pressure, heat, and pain. Though, the third category is not that familiar. These are the somaesthesis …show more content…

The first balance is the sense of the body’s alignment. This is the sense that keeps an animal upright; the distinguished ability of cats is to always land on its feet, we get to know about the internal condition of our body due to organic for example we realize hunger and thirst due to this sense.. The third sense is name as somaesthesis . This is the brain’s knowledge of the relative of the body’s parts. To imagine this sense, close your eyes and extend your hand in a random direction. Now identify in your mind its exact position and open your eyes. Even though none of the “classic” five senses were currently detecting it Note that your brain was well aware of your hand’s position,. This is somaesthesis If you want another example of this sense, try driving erratically enough to attract official attention. The familiar walk-the-line and finger-to-nose sobriety tests that you will be subjected to are yet more examples of what your body can do-or at least should be able to-do thanks to …show more content…

Sometimes the body self-corrects’ but in Christina’s case it never did, victims of PDD begin to naturally replace the missing sense with those that remain Like any other sensory- deprive person,. Christina replaced it with sight. Since she no longer possessed an intuitive knowledge of where her respective body parts were locate, she built up that knowledge herself using her eyes. If she wanted to pick up a cup of coffee, she watched her hand carefully until she had successfully put it down again. If she wanted to walk across the room, she had to administer her feet until she was safely sitting on the other side. for a sufferer of PDD sitting itself is difficult; hands will either grip the chair with white knuckle intensity or will release the hold if the hands are not watched carefully, which in turn make the one to slide to the floor. The body of PDD victim becomes their dummy in many cases. no longer can one trust the body to “just walk” or “just sit” if Each movement is carefully analyzed and put into motion;, the movement does not seem to be natural; opening a door becomes a arduous process of extend hand, tighten each finger, rotate knob, extend arm, raise foot, lower foot, and so on. People should not be unfocused by other foot, and who knows parts not directly involved in the current