The Impact Of Frederick Douglass's Impact On American Culture

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The Impact of Frederick Douglass on American Culture. “Though slavery was abolished, the wrongs of my people were not ended. Though they were not slaves, they were not yet quite free. No man can be truly free whose liberty is dependent upon the thought, feeling, and action of others, and who has no means in his own hands for guarding, protecting, defending, and maintaining his liberty”. In Frederick Douglass’s “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave,” Douglass explores his past as being a slave, telling how he overcame being enslaved and escaped to the north. Douglass was suspected to be born into slavery in 1818. He escaped to the north in 1838, prior to the breakout of the Civil War. When Douglass was free, he became a large role in the Abolition movement, and publicly spoke out against slavery. In his second autobiography, “My Bondage and My Freedom,” Douglass again discusses his life as a slave, but also his fight against slavery. One of the most influential characters in american history, Frederick Douglass, continues to influence society today. It is suspected that Frederick Douglass was born into slavery sometime in 1818, a time where slavery was prominent in the south. He was born in Talbot County in Maryland. Douglass had been a slave for roughly 20 years until he escaped, but only after he taught himself how to read and write. During his early days as a slave, Douglass had lived with his Grandmother, Grandfather, and their children in a