
The Importance Of Animal Endangerment

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Animal endangerment is a very prominent problem in the world today. This is because the world is plagued by poaching and habitat loss still even though poaching is illegal, and habitat loss shouldn’t happen anymore due to a myriad of laws. With tigers it is worse because of how valuable they are to the world. Tigers are one of the most endangered species in the world, and they are very essential for everything they contribute to their habitat and their ecosystem. Reasons are always needed in understanding why some things happen as they do. With that in mind, Tigers are hunted for many reasons. Most of these reasons being because they can be used in some way to help humans out in the medical sense. Tigers are useful in traditional chinese medicine …show more content…

They are the keystone species in the jungles where they live. This means that the tigers are necessary to keep the ecosystem in check and not let things get out of control. This is because tigers are the apex predator in their habitat so they regulate how the other animals’ populations are staying under control. It’s all about the food web and food chain. Since tigers are at the top, if they are eliminated from the chain everything would be mayhem. The herbivores would multiply much too quickly to keep track of and eat all of the vegetation down all the way to the roots. With the vegetation gone the herbivores would die due to the food source being gone and then the animals that use the vegetation as shelter would die off because their homes are gone. The soil as result of the vegetation being gone would start the process of soil erosion and the soil would be bad because the nutrient rich topsoil would blow off so it would be unusable land. This would ruin all of that area for wildlife for the foreseeable future. All of the animals in the habitat would die because there is nothing of anything to eat anymore. There is another possible way the tiger becoming extinct would affect their ecosystem. The other predators would kill the herbivores and the vegetation would just grow out of control. The animals who use the vegetation as shelter would be somewhat safe until the other predators kill all of the …show more content…

But the biggest, the Bengal Tiger, or Indian Tiger. It is classified as Panthera tigris tigris. These tigers are beautiful yet imposing. They are perfect hunting machines with their strength. Their strength and sheer power is why they are such effective hunters. They customarily like to hunt medium to large animals such as gaur, water buffalo, sambal, chitar, mottled deer, wild boar and other types of deer. They will sometimes hunt small animals like rabbits and porcupines, or can attack livestock as a result of the invasiveness of humans that also leads to the hunting of tigers. They will use a combination of stealth and camouflage to get up very close to the prey and will attack from the side or behind. As large as the tiger is, it can consume up to 40 kilograms of food, but will consistently eat less. Like all tigers the stripes are probably the most notable characteristic of the tiger species. But, just like human fingerprints, there are no two patterns of stripes alike. In bengals there is a rare variant that results from a genetic mutation that has some tigers have an all white coat of fur, darker stripes and blue eyes. This does not mean it is an albino though, just a genetic variation. This might be a factor that would determine life or death of the tiger because tigers use their coloration as camouflage. As for the mass of these tigers,

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