The Importance Of Communication In Communication

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Health care provider from different cultures face problems in communication with their patients. In this study a semi-structured and open-ended interviews were conducted on Saudi females who were admitted to the maternity wards. The results were presented in a qualitative phenomenological design. The analyzed data were divided into five themes. The first theme, was the linguistic theme. The participants faced some problems in understanding the language, whether it is Arabic or English, and this is due to two reasons. Reason number one is poor English language regarding the participants. Reason number two is different accents of the same language, even if the language is Arabic. Another issue respecting the linguistic theme is patients is patients cannot relate between the non-verbal; for example, the facial expressions and the language. The second theme is, religious diversity because patients that Muslims health care provider will respect their uncovered bodies, so they will not look at them, which made the patients more restful during the presence of Muslim nurses. The third theme is, values and beliefs in regard to Muslims traditions and customs; for instance, some patients like to say the name of Allah by the nurses before doing anything. The fourth theme is, the gender of the health care provider. The results reveal that patients feel more comfortable with female nurses instead of the males. The last theme is, the nationality of the nurse. According to the