Communitarianism And Solidarity

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The path to a new notion of solidarity is perhaps not new at all. We may have just put it on the back burner, as we were to busy following the money, rather than the common good for all. May Communitarianism be the new form of solidarity? Also Richard Rorty may perceive solidarity with human kind not feasible; he may be very pessimistic. One may understand how difficult and dooming this task of solidarity is in the times of Globalia. We are hanging on to the thread of national identity, culture, and religious beliefs. Communitarianism, perhaps already exists in many southern nations, where kinship and community solidarity comes above the material goods. Perhaps Rorty is right, solidarity with human kind is not feasible, as we fear to …show more content…

As citizens may feel as their independence and individual rights are in question. From the bottom up, is perceived as a personal lifestyle choice, a greater connection to one’s community. Further, one main thought arising might also be: What good is this for me? How will this impact me? How to sell ‘solidarity’ and the ‘common good’ to the egocentric individual? We need to personalize the need of solidarity. Strengthening one’s own values and linking them to the sameness of others values… same passion of values, just a different casing and label, Herodotus, respect, and …show more content…

This would require perhaps the elimination of science and technology, as we know it. Returning to a life much as those of the non- human, the mammal with out borders. When Nature is in charge and rids us, of the ill and return of such thing as survival of the fittest. This perhaps sounds cruel, as we love our off spring and also want to prolong death amongst our family and community members. Our loyalty first, is placed on our family, as Rorty describes in his text: “ ( :