The Importance Of Democracy In India

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India has many things to show and to be proud of. The democracy is one of them. India has been viewed as the biggest democracy in the world and has made itself felt emphatically in the worldwide financial world as well. India is the reference point of democracy to the world. It has seen both highs and lows but has survived. Despite different problems it has confronted, India has possessed the capacity to cut out a democratic future for it. The question is how has India figured out how to stay democratic in spite of all challenges? How has the democratic administration not distorted under the disasters of parochial kickback, provincial and ethnic fundamentalism, separatist developments and the fortification of lack of education, backwardness, poverty and corruption? India would without a doubt give a dreary and terrible picture of Democracy. Yet, the very truth that our own is the biggest developing democracy in the world which demonstrates that there 's something else entirely to it than meets the batting of the eyes. Our founding fathers acquired the fundamental principles of democracy from the Western philosophy yet one of the challenging errands before them was its usage in the heretofore customary and in reverse society that had surprisingly observed the light of freedom and flexibility. This however did not give them the advantage of pooh-poohing the customs and culture of our general public to clear route for an Indian culture. It was about reconciling the two and our