
The Importance Of Dignity In Professional Sports

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Recently, NFL players have been taking a knee for the National Anthem, or staying in the locker room during the National Anthem. President Trump thinks that they are disrespecting our veterans who have fought for our flag and it “has nothing to do with race.” But according to the NFL players who are actually taking a knee, President Trump is wrong. The kneeling has a lot to do with race. Reporters asked Colin Kaepernick why he was kneeling, because he was the one who started this whole protest, or revolution against singing the Anthem at the games. He replied, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” So according to Kaepernick, this has everything to do with race. The Seattle Seahawks also are taking a knee because of the racial matter. They do not mean to disrespect the veterans. They said “Out of love for our country and in honor of the sacrifices made on our behalf, we unite to oppose those that would deny our most basic freedoms.” Some of the veterans are even supporting the players on taking a knee. John Middlemas is a 97 year old World War 2 veteran and he said “Those kids have every right to protest.” The matter is very controversial and many people think it is wrong to take a knee, and some people support taking a …show more content…

It has the same quote that Kaepernick has said, along with other quotes from other players. All the players say much of the same thing, they are kneeling for their beliefs and racial equality. It also says that the protesting has been bringing the players together, in a way. In this source, it also says that the revolution is not aimed at the veterans. Football player Michael Bennett said that he “loves the military”. His father was in the military and he doesn’t want to disgrace him. He said, “I don’t love segregation. I don’t love riots or oppression.” He is peacefully protesting and causing no

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