The Importance Of Discovery Learning

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Shuttleworth (2009) postulates that “A literature review is a critical and in depth evaluation of previous research. It is a summary and synopsis of a particular area of research, allowing anybody reading the paper to establish why you are pursuing this particular research program. A good literature review expands upon the reasons behind selecting a particular research question.
In this literature review, the data will be presented using the independent and the dependent variables. The independent variables will be the Guided Discovery Approach, while the dependent variable will be Students’ Performance in Science. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE
Guided Discovery:
Guided Discovery is a method by which learner develop inquiry skills and information processing …show more content…

Exploring and problem solving to create, integrate, and generalize knowledge,
2. Students driven, interest based activities in which the student determines the sequence and frequency, and
3. Activities to encourage integration of new knowledge into the learner’s existing knowledge base.
The first attribute of Discovery Learning is a very important one. Through exploring and problem solving, students take on an active role to create, integrate, and generalize knowledge. Instead of engaging in passively accepting information through lecture or drill and practice, students establish broader applications for skills through activities that encourage risk taking, problem solving, and an examination of unique experiences (Bicknell- Holmes & Hoffman, 2000). Expression of this attribute of Discovery Learning essentially changes the roles of students and teachers and is a radical change difficult for many teachers to accept (Hooks, …show more content…

Students remembered more of what they learned in discovery learning activities than traditional activities. D.W Chamber (1971) did a study that compared Discovery Learning with over learning. Over learning is a traditional method of drill and practice in which students practice a skill many times. Chambers found that students learning method were better at transferring what they had learned than those who learned the concept through Discovery Learning. This study is greatly flawed due to the topic the students were learning which was rote memorization of math facts. Again, the fact that discovery learning does not work well with rote memorization impacted this study greatly. According to Bicknell-Holmes & Hoffman (2000). Recognizing motivation, information retention, and achievement as positive effects of Discovery Learning that are grounded in research, the question becomes, why do teachers and school systems hesitate to adopt Discovery Learning. Some reasons are based more on self imposed misconceptions and attitudes than on discovery learning’s creative and practical demands. The increased effectiveness in learning in Guided Discovery Learning could be partly explained by the Edgar Dales’ (1946) cone of Experience which indicates that the effectiveness of