Uncle Tom's Cabin, By Harriet Beecher Stowe Analysis

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“Uncle Tom´s Cabin” is a profound novel in American literature and history because it brought forward a new ideology with regard to the national view on slavery, and change the cruel system that treated black people as property. This epic making narrative was seen as an inspiration for humankind because it set the grounds for the American Civil. Its author, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896), published the text in March 1852 as a response to the “Fugitive Slave Act” that had been passed two years earlier, and in which it was considered a criminal act to help or aid any escaping slave; this brought great outrage among the citizens and transformed the novel into the most prolific anti-slavery text in American history. The foregrounding for the novel´s narrative framework is constructed with the help …show more content…

This was the solution that black people found so as to obtain their freedom, and in this fragment of Stowe´s narrative it is best portrayed by both George and his wife Eliza. George´s disobedience came as the result of the repeated beating and hatred received, so that made him question his master and his own position in life as being a slave: “And who made him my master? […] what right has he to me? I am a man as much as he is. I´m a better man then he is. I know more about business than he does. I am a better manager than he is, I can read better that he can. I can write a better hand. […] and now what right has he to make a dry-horse of me?- to take me from things I can do, and do better than he can, and put me to work that any horse can do?”(1674). After constant attacks the only resolution for a better life that George could think of was to run away: “So Eliza, my girl, […] bear up, now; and good-by, for I´m going”(1676), or to die trying: “I won´t be taken, Eliza; I´ll die first! I´ll be free, or I´ll