The Value Of Dog Care Of A Dog Essay

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Ten essential dog care tips to keep your pet happy
We all love our dogs. Our adorable furry friends are unarguably our best friends in the animal kingdom. The arrival of a dog in the family heralds many happy feelings. Your puppy becomes an instant playmate to your kids, and when he grows up, his barks and sharp instincts alert you to the presence of an intruder on your property. Dogs shower their owners with unconditional love, loyalty, and most importantly companionship. You can’t appreciate them enough by giving them a happy life. Your dog depends on you for the basic needs of life including good nutrition, water, regular exercise, shelter, adequate vet care, safety, and companionship. This article aims to show your ten things to keep your dog healthy, safe, and happy. Your relationship with your dog will be a long-lasting and mutually beneficial …show more content…

You can curtail this dangerous behavior by spaying or neutering your pet. Neutered or spayed dogs tend to have less behavioral issues and are a lot healthier than unneutered dogs, plus they tend to live longer. Additionally, spaying or neutering your dog helps to control the growing problem of pet overpopulation. This procedure can be quickly done by yet, but it may be costly. However, you can take advantage of many low-cost options to get your dog spayed or neutered.
Keep your dog fit, not exhausted
You should be aware of when to stop exercising your dog to prevent wearing him out. Most dog owners say that playing with their dog or walking him twice daily provides enough exercise to keep their dog healthy. The benefits of exercising your dog are both ways as you also derive some benefits when you spend time walking or playing with your pet. You work out and also increase the bond between you and your dog. Make sure to ask your vet about the amount of exercise appropriate for your dog.
Enrol your dog in a training