The Importance Of Ethical Dilemmas In Industrial Engineering

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Question 7

In industrial engineering make difficult decisions between permissible and impermissible action can be challenging regarding in relation to engineering ethics. For instance, the most conflict faced by engineers are abuse of power, environmental pollution, health and safety of people and workplace and achieving targets under lot of pressure due to, schedule and time and money constraints. This increases the risk of pushing engineers and organization into an ethical dilemma.

Based on the scenario as Chief Engineer, who is a mechanical engineer that responsible to ensuring overall operation of the plans it was found that Engineer A was behaved unethically. This is because, the plan not yet review and checked in detail by him. Meanwhile, to review and checked are the plant was entrusted to him by the architect. Engineer A cannot easily turn over the task that might be risk or endanger will come over due to the lacking of professionalism. Even though, to the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) state the role of the chief engineer is managing those who provide guidance, direction, and counsel to those within his responsible charge that state in Item 5.0 which stated that a Registered Engineer shall conduct himself honourably, responsibly, ethically and lawfully so as to enhance the honour, reputation and usefulness of the profession. Indeed, in a large engineering firm, this role is crucial to the successful operation of the firm. In addition, the Chief Engineer

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