Ethical Issues In Sport Management

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Research Questions 1. What is the importance of ethics in the sport management? 2. What is the scope of ethical issues in the sport management? 3. What kind of ethical issues are prevalent in the sport management? 4. Why sport managers engage in the unethical activities? 5. Why sport players engage in the unethical activities? 6. What kind of immoral benefits can sport persons and sport managers have? 7. If there are any ethical issues in the sport management, is/are there any way the government can interfere and stop such immoral actions? Hypothesis I predict that the sport management has diverse chances of engaging in unethical issues. Sport managers have diverse responsibilities, such as sport marketing, health and fitness, recreational, …show more content…

For example, hiring discrimination, contract benefits, marketing advantages, collusion in the facility management work, concealed financial benefits, pressure’s excessive exertion on the players, discrimination in the selection process and so on were found majorly. On the other hand, mismanagement, corruption, misconduct of principals, match-fixing, illegal betting, benefits of broadcasting, merchandised sales, and corporate partnership, racism, homophobia, encouragement to cheating, being aggressive, and taking doping, forced to engage in hectic schedules and promotional activities, environmental issues, local politics, ticket sales, employment issues, and so on topics were also found at the higher end of the scale in the examination (Loland, 2002). However, to dismay, the result pertaining to the amendments to the sport management was not found in any survey …show more content…

Unethical issues could be said the key findings of this study. In each sport event, Tennis, Baseball, Football, Cricket or Chess, the sport management plays a massive role in different business and miscellaneous aspects of the game. Hence, the received findings serve as a good benchmark to validate the literature. Financial, social, emotional, political and professional gains were found in the research by dint of joining in the unprincipled activities in the extents of hiring contract marketing facility management, selection process and so