Contraception In Family Planning

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Family planning by utilization of contraceptive techniques has been established as a cornerstone in reducing maternal and infants mortality improve maternal and child health improving empowerment of women and amelioration of the over population problem especially in the developing countries

Worldwide, about 358,000 women and 3 million newborn babies die each year because of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth .Most of these deaths occur in developing countries Contraceptive use has been estimated to prevent more than 272,000 maternal deaths and save the lives of nearly 2 million children each year
Using family planning methods has been reported to improve women 's health through allowing …show more content…

And by the intrauterine device (IUD) which received renewed interest following the first international meeting concerned with the method of fertility regulating in 1962. Since these early days modifications and developments have taken place to oral contraception and the IUD and other methods, such as injectables, Nor Plant, Femidon and spermicides have been developed and distributed.

The factors that most influence a woman 's use of contraception include her attitude towards pregnancy, decision about family planning, years of marriage, husband 's education and number of living children she has, and her religious affiliation. The availability and quality of government health care services affects the use of contraception. The findings indicate a substantial and apparently causal relationsh ip between the intensity of health service use and subsequent contraceptive use

The main focus in this research will be on the assessment of knowledge and performance of females attending the family health unit towards the fertility regulating methods, causes of approval and refusal towards these methods, and identify the most common social barriers. So we can prepare suggestions for solving these problems and encourage women to use contraception …show more content…

The population of Egypt represents 1.20 percent of the world 's total population which arguably means that one person in every 84 people on the planet is a resident of Egypt. The population of Egypt was last recorded at 87.1 million people in 2014 from 27.9 million in 1960, changing 194 percent during the last 50 years. The sex ratio is 1.017males per female. The total area of Egypt is 1,001,450 sq km. The mainly dense areas are in and around the Nile basin, meaning that more than 41,000 people per square kilometer Egypt 's population growth rate reached 2.5 % in 2013 while in other developing countries, it 's1.5 %.The rate for developed countries is below 0.6 %. Per capita income is almost less than 327 Egyptian pounds ($46) a month. The poverty rate has increased from 25.2% (2010 - 2011) to 26.3% (2012 – 2013) . The unemployment reached 13.3 % in the second quarter of 2014.The major cause of overpopulation is poverty. As the needs of household’s incease, the need for additional children increases; as they represent a source of additional income from their potential to work. Births per household in Egypt are now at 4 children, wherase 10 years ago it stood at