Education And Gender Empowerment

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In order to transform the developing countries and to build caring and inclusive societies, the attention of gender empowerment are the very prominent which needs the participation of all nation of the world (AU, 2014).
African Union agenda -2063 remarked that, no society can reach its full potential, unless it empowers women and remove all obstacles to women‘s full participation in all areas of human endeavors and to flourish and reach their full potential (AU, 2014). The Platform for Action and the Beijing Declaration (1995) identifies education as very important in the realization of gender empowerment, parity and social development.
Education plays an important role in gender parity and will help woman in securing …show more content…

Hence, education for women has multiple advantages and need to be maintained for such ends.
To strengthen the link between women education, their empowerment and development, Imhabekhai & Olomukoro (2007) point out that education is a basic instrument in social transformation and modernization. It paves the way to development and its possession or otherwise facilitates or retards the level of development. Ezegbe & Akubue (2012) assert that, any society which neglects women in terms of their potential will never achieve socio-economic and political empowerment in the society and social transformation.
As evidenced by developed and industrialized countries that they would not have been able to reach the present level without research, development, and technological transformation all of which require educated women and men (Naomi, 2012). However, the participation of women in education in developing countries, particularly in Ethiopian higher institutions is insignificant when comparing with their counterparts (CSA, …show more content…

Of this, only 13.8%, 17 %, 14.3% female were graduated in undergraduate programs (EMIS, 2015).

Table 2: Trend of Enrollments in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) by Program Level (Undergraduate Degree: Non- Government Regular Evening Summer Distance Total % F
Year BS F BS F BS F BS F BS F 17136 7950 14516 7950 450 196 44178 Female 76280 25310 33.2
20109/10 16833 8158 14681 7047 144 57 47123 Female 78438 25038 31.9
2010/11 19633 9631 19108 10069 377 162 36027 Female 75145 27846 37.1
2011/12 23442 12652 18696 9618 37512 Female 79650 33915 43
2012/13 26489 14297 21126 10868 42389 Female 90005 38324 42.6

Source: Educational Statistics Annual Abstract-2006 (2013/14)
As compare to Non- government higher education institutions, the trend reveals that the total enrollment of female students in the consecutive academic years from 2009/10 to 2013/14 which is 5 years trend was 33.2%, 31.9 %, 37.1%, 43 %, and 42.6 % respectively. Which is better than even public universities (EMIS,

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