The Importance Of Honor In The Middle Ages

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Have you ever watched a movie or read a book set in medieval times? More accurately called the Middle Ages, medieval times are often described as a world of magic and fantasy. Knights rescue distressed maidens from towers guarded by ferocious fire-breathing dragons or evil witches, the maiden and the knight later marrying each other out of "true love". Though such events only happened in fairy tales, there is historic evidence of a knight class. Qualities like honor were very important to the average knight, because certain traits were all they could lay claim to. In a similar way, Jedi from Star Wars view honor and integrity as important disciplines to teach young Jedi. Honor is an important quality to have accordingly is defined as having courage and integrity, but honor is not disrespect.
The first way to interpret the word honor is with the word courage. An exceptional way to define courage is a quality is manifested as the ability to face hardship and danger. Anakin Skywalker displays courage when he scrambles to save his mother on the desert planet of Tatooine from the Tusken Raiders (Star Wars: Attack of the Clones). Despite Lars's warning him that Shmi is probably dead, …show more content…

We may not live in a fairy tale setting or the medieval ages, but that does not mean showing honor to its fullest is impossible. Unending courage allows those who possess it to combat intimidating and deadly foes that anyone would typically flee from. Unbending integrity allows those who choose to stand behind their choices to do so, even when the world is against you. Those who are disrespectful can lose powerful allies if they do not show even slight respect. Our society seems to shun honor in favor for disrespect and inconsiderate ways, but that does not mean honor is any less important. Eventually honor will become important anon, just as it was in the days of knights and damsels in