Human Rights Instrument

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5. Specific Instrument of Human Rights on Child Rights
The most important of human rights which governed on the child rights and protection are the 1924 declaration on the rights of child, the 1959 declaration on the rights of child and 1989 convention on the rights of child. Among them only 1989 convention is legally binding, and the other two declarations is non-binding in nature.
5.1 The 1924 Declaration on the Rights of Child
The 1924 declaration on the rights of child was the first international instruments about child rights, and it was adopted by the League of Nations on 26th September 1924. This declaration commonly known as Geneva Declaration, and it was the first time specific of rights for children that were recognized. The 1924 …show more content…

The 1924 declaration had some additions and amendments by the 1959 declaration. The 1959 declaration also shared the same notion as the 1924 declaration that “mankind owes to the child the best that it has to give.” This declaration consisted of ten principles which are guiding principle of working and incorporated in the best interests of the child. These ten principles which included the rights to equality, the rights to special protection, the rights to a name and a nationality, the rights to adequate nutrition, housing and medical services, the right to special education and treatment for physically or mentally handicapped child, the right to understanding and love parents and society, the rights to education, the right to be the first receive relief in all circumstance, the rights to protection against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation, and the rights to …show more content…

This convention is special which is not only concerned with the rights of child in time of peace; it is also concerned with the rights of child during in armed conflict.
The article that directly linkage with the obligations of state to protect child during armed conflict is provision of article 38. According to article 38 of CRC:
1. States Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for rules of international humanitarian law applicable to them in armed conflicts which are relevant to the