The Importance Of Intercultural Communication

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Culture is an accumulated pattern of values, beliefs, and behaviors, shared by an identifiable group of people with a common history and verbal and nonverbal symbol systems. (Neuliep, 2017) So whether we know it or not, culture is all around us. Culture is directly related to intercultural communication. Intercultural communication helps us gain a better “worldview” and understanding of different customs,beliefs, and traditions.
For my interaction paper, I interviewed a fellow friend, Edin Hasasnovic. Edin has been a close friend of mine since I was ten, as him and I played soccer together growing up. Edin is a refugee from Bosnia & Herzegovina, a country located in Southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. At a young age, Edin experienced what most don’t experience in a lifetime. In 1918, Yugoslavia was created, and it was a federation of states in Southeastern Europe; Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia. All six states were considered social federalist republics, until the start of the 1990’s. Nationalism started to become more increasingly popular and caused conflict between the federation of states. Serbs and Croats started to annex Bosnia, and started “Ethnic Cleansing.” This was very challenging for Edin to experience at a young age, as he was not aware of what was actually occurring. His home country had been taken over, and left in ruins. So at a young age, Edin was forced to come to the United States. Edin is now twenty two, but has lived