The Importance Of Interfaith Marriage

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It is important to define interfaith marriage, also known as intermarriage, most people use these two words interchangeably as is the practice in this paper. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, an interfaith marriage consists of a marriage between people who are from different social groups, races or religions, or who are from the same family (Webster, 2008). Additionally, interfaith marriage, traditionally called mixed marriage, is marriage between partners professing different religions. For the purpose of this paper, the focus will be on the marriage where an individual of one faith is married to someone of different faith. The family picture is changing on a global scale, with the increase in a new phenomenon: inter-faith marriages. …show more content…

One of the main features of Mauritius is that it is a multi-cultural nation, although there seems to be a lack of knowledge regarding each other’s faith in general (Hossen-Gooljar, 2012). According to the 2011 census made by Statistics Mauritius, Hinduism is the major religion with 48.54%, followed by Christianity (predominantly Roman Catholic) at 31.70%, Islam 17.30% and Buddhism 0.43% in terms of number of adherents. With these statistics in mind, it seems highly likely that inter-marriage is not …show more content…

An overview of religion and interfaith marriage Religion is a topic which can incite strong reactions in citizens. Some may see it as a fundamental and significant element of the human experience, providing guidance and answering the ‘big’ questions of life. Others may see it as a precarious phenomenon which continues to cause trouble and conflict throughout the world. Then there are others for whom religion is irrelevant and outdated. A number of definitions of the term ‘religion’ exist. Some tend to be narrow definitions; others are wider. For example, religion can be seen as, a belief in the existence of supra-human forces (forces beyond the knowledge or understanding of human beings) which have a powerful influence on life. A system of beliefs which explain the individual’s place in the world, giving order and meaning to life and providing moral guidance. Religion is the cornerstone on which many people build their lives and families. In Mauritius, religious identity is very strong and permeates everyday life. The family especially, is an important source of religious influence, determining both family structure and individual behaviour. The positive influence of religious certainty on well-being is direct and substantial: individuals with strong religious faith report higher levels of life satisfaction, greater personal happiness, and fewer negative psychosocial consequences of traumatic life events (Ellison,