Applied Thinking Skills In Nursing

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According to Simkins (2005), leadership is one of the key factors and in some instances the only factor that determines whether an organization succeeds or fails. However, Clark (2009) states that an effective nurse leader utilizes appropriate leadership theories to guide their actions as well as they are required to apply their knowledge and problem solving skills to develop creative solutions to managerial issues on the ward. On the other hand, management is concerned with its five core principles; according to Kannan (2004b) these principles were revised and are now thought as planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling (as cited in Clark, 2009). Furthermore, Clark pointed out that leadership and management often overlap …show more content…

It is important to emphasize that there is considerable overlapping amongst these skills; however, they can be distinguished from each other. Furthermore, Adair explained that decision-making refers to what actions needed to be taken; while problem solving is concerned with the solution, answer or conclusion. On the other hand creative thinking has to do with new ideas; indeed, leaders and managers have a vested interest in developing these practical thinking skills. Swansburg and Swansburg (2002) stated that, “decision making is essential to problem solving”. Furthermore, they identified nursing as a profession where complex decisions are made and is an essential component in all forms of nursing practice. Nurses’ competencies are continuously being tested, as they have to consistently demonstrate their ability to resolve problems in this rapidly changing and dynamic profession where indecisiveness and poor decisions can be costly. The current manager has demonstrated apt, in her decision-making and problem solving skills when there are problems associated with patient management. However, this astute ability does not transcend when the issues identified has to do with leadership and management of the unit …show more content…

Additionally, effective communication helps to improve relationship and teamwork, performance and productivity, to foster an open and creative environment as well as the ability to solve problems effectively. It therefore, falls within the competence of managers and leaders to communicate clearly and concisely to all employees; also, it is important to put in place a climate that allows for openness with others. An open environment encourages employees to verbalise work related issues, listen and respond to questions and concerns, forward concerns to relevant departments as well as follows up on previously discussed issues. It is very important to have regular staff meetings to encourage feedback, generate ideas, solve problems, and gain support. In addition, meeting with small groups and one to one with staffs periodically show concern regarding their performance and issues. Another essential skill in communication is the ability to be an effective listener (UCB, 2015). While some aspect of communication is functioning there are aspects that warrant improvement. Although, staff meetings are held monthly, not much follow up takes place regarding previously discuss issues; the nurse manager often seeks to impose her plans with very little intervention