The Importance Of Living In Cities

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Cities have always been at the heart of culture and with more than three-quarters of the world’s population living in one by 2050. Most people now a days are transferring from villages to live in cities. They are moving for many reasons that the governments cannot offer for them. The villages are small and cannot contain everything that cities have. For example, some villages do not have enough facilities that cover all their needs. Small villages also do not offer the full security as cities do. These are the primary reasons of people moving to live in cities. In this case, cities must be ready to receive huge number of people. For this reason, governments should put cities on the spotlight of changes and improvements to be successful for all the needs of the people who wants to live in. …show more content…

Around 7 million people in the world died in 2012 as a result of air pollution exposure (WHO, 2014). There are many ways in order to reduce air pollution effects. First, governments should offer special rooms for smokers in public places and in the streets to avoid air pollution and second hand smoke together. Second, use new ways of transportation like electric trains, metros instead of cars that cause a lot of carbon oxide from burning the oil. Third, factories should be built away from the cities to keep the cities’ air clean. Last, grow trees around the city will give it a wonderful view and will reduce the air pollution too. Trees with the largest leaves and the widest canopies capture the greatest pollutants (Achieve3000, 2014). Moreover, civilians can take part on reducing air pollution. People can do this by not throwing rubbish in the streets or on the beach and throw it in the garbage container. Also, they can use electric cooker in their home in reverse with the one with gas. These ways will be great to reduce air pollution and have a city with good and fresh