The Importance Of Planning To Go That Way By Henry David Thoreau

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Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way”. Thoreau was a transcendentalist, which meant that he was always moving to greater heights. There was always the internal need to become better, to transcend. Thoreau thought of moving was not the common thought of physically moving oneself to another place. Thoreau did have one drastic move once however. He moved to the banks of Walden pond to find himself, to learn what nature had to teach, and to live life to the fullest. In the two years that Thoreau lived at Walden he discovered many things. He moved in a spiritual way, religious, and personal way while in walden.
When discovering new ideas, or even places, we must march forth and see what these things have to teach. When Thoreau says to “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way”, he means that if we as a person are going to move forward in any kind of sense, we must not turn back. Whether it is to our past, or to a physical place we left. I am sure that we all know that the past can be painful to reminisce about, and if we do stop to relive experiences we are looking back, which will eventually stop us from capturing the progress Thoreau would want us moving towards. …show more content…

I will soon be leaving my home to go away to college. The last two years I have attended a community college and was able to stay at home. However now it is time to move on and attend a university to finish my bachelor's degree. Though it will be hard to move from my home and my family, I will think of my future instead of looking back, because I know that I will have more opportunities at the school I have chosen. One day I do plan on coming back home to start a life near my family, but I will not look back until I plan to come