Poverty In Sub-Saharan Africa

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The world has always been a place overcome by the unfair condition of the have and the have nots. The reason for this unfair condition? The limited availability of resources and the ever changing process as well as the general ability of individuals to come by or garner those resources. This condition has been prevalent since the accumulation of wealth and the formation of modern social structures developed. This social condition results in the vast accumulation of wealth for some, the haves, and the unavailability of wealth for others, the have nots; which can then be correlated to overall physical conditions. Poverty can be caused by multiple factors which then affect its overall incidence as well as the possible applicable solutions and …show more content…

Currently there are a few general areas where poverty is most common, some of which are Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America . The current incidence of poverty, or the current frequency of poverty, is about 14.5% as of 2011 according to The World Bank () and this percentage is based on the percentage of people at or below an income of $1.25 per day, which is considered to be the world poverty line. Africa has the largest incidence of poverty currently at 46.8%; this is largely due to their lack of industrialization and educational system, the vast amounts of rural communities, added to the years of warfare in those areas largely resulting from the causes of European colonialism and expansionism. Following Africa is Southeast Asia at 24.5% poverty in the population. This is due the the large amount of rural communities, similar to the structure found in Africa, which work on farming or in factories that pay little to nothing to keep cost down and industry in those countries booming for those who reap the benefits. Lastly comes Latin America, at 4.6% poverty rate, which comparable to the other seems relatively low but one must also take into the difference in population between the three areas as a whole. Poverty in Latin America is caused by similar if not the same facts as in Asia and Africa, accumulation of wealth by the few, rural uneducated labor based communities, external influence such as that of the United States during the years of the cold war, and guerrilla wars that previously tore the countries apart such as in Guatemala and Colombia in the

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