Social Inequalities In Our Society

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In every existing society today, the essence of social inequalities is prevalent. These inequalities range from class, gender, income, wealth to race. Together they are created by social construction, where a society creates and develops perceptions of an individual or a group. In the midst of these social inequalities, the one that had an immense impact on me personally is racial inequality which underlines how our society defines race and how traits are treated and translated into categories (Replogle 2018). In other words, people are categorized based on common biological characteristics, like skin, hair and eye color. With these biological characteristics, our identity is formed. And how we appear can be one determining factor of our life …show more content…

I would notice my peers looking at me and treating me differently, usually from a distance because I was not of the same race as them. At a young age, I understood that children would sometimes bully each other once in awhile, but that did not happen to me. The act of bullying instead was in a more intense form of what we would call it discrimination, which is an act of unjust or unfair due to a difference of people (Replogle 2018). Where discrimination began to play in my everyday life in school for about three years. Everywhere I went, I encountered those who would called me names and tried to mimic my Asian eyes. It came to a point where it did not matter whether I was in school or not, because at the end everything was about basic stereotype and discrimination of my race. I even experienced discrimination by my teacher, which is not something a role model of students should be like. Looking back on it now I distinctly remember a few moments when I felt my teacher treated me with a discriminatory manner. Having only been in a Spanish school for two years, the language barrier was still a challenging obstacle for me up to that moment. Not knowing the language thoroughly became an impediment to learning and strained my relationship with my teacher. Sometimes I could tell by …show more content…

Ideologies are shared beliefs, ideas, and mentality about a certain topic are formed by a society (Replogle 2018). Everyone grows up acquiring these ideologies that our society has created, to the point it becomes a second nature to us. People are able to distinguishing who is like them and who is not based on a shared ideology. So referring back to my teacher, she carried the ideologies concerning immigrants into her classroom and was influenced by it to the point of excluding and marginalizing me at the beginning. Remarkably, the power of ideologies in a given society can be a strong tool to produce racism and discrimination at the micro and macro