Competent Seniority In The Workplace

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Seniority: This term is used to elect an employee 's position in a company attained through the length of documented service. Seniority is recognized as employment rights which an employee gains over other employees by the advantage of his/ er length of service. Traditional Seniority: Attained exclusively through the length of service Competent Seniority: A type of seniority wherein other factors such as capability are considered in combination with length of service Seniority Record: The employers shall preserve a seniority list reflecting the date on which individual employees service began. A restructured seniority record shall be shared with the union bi-annually, no later than Sept 30th & March 31st. When two or more employees share …show more content…

The last one employed shall be the first one laid off and the last one laid off shall be the first one taken back provided physical fitness and ability to do the job are approximately equal. During ramped down in any department length of continuous service shall govern where the employee possesses the qualifications to do the job efficiently. Competent Seniority: Layoffs in connection with the ramped down and recalling to work of employees laid off shall be governed by the following considerations: 1) For employees first employed prior to February 12th 2012, span of service shall govern provided that the employee can perform the work. 2) For employees first employed on or after February 12th 2012, knowledge, ability and span of service shall be the determining factors. Where knowledge and ability are approximately equivalent span of service shall …show more content…

Regular Full- Time Available & Restricted Part- Time Employee Eligibility: a) Both Regular Full- Time Available & Restricted Part- Time Employee are eligible to apply for a job posting if they meet the criteria of the job descriptions. b) The employer shall fill the vacant position/s first from the bargaining unit first, before hiring new employees provided there are employees present that meet the criteria of the job description. c) Each job vacancy shall be posted on the employee announcement board for (5) five business days & in the interim, this job posting will be made available to external candidates too based on an online assessment. d) However, first preference will be given to the internal candidate that holds the maximum tenure, who meets the requirement of the job. If no eligible candidate is shortlisted in fifteen (15) days, the shortlisted candidate for the oldest application who met the threshold first from the external pool of candidates will be elected to the vacant