The Importance Of Social Groups In Society

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Social groups are considered to be an essential part of humanity. They play big roles in our lives because social groups are capable of giving a meaning to a person 's life. Its already possible to speak of a social group when humans interact with each other and share similar characteristics. Think about women, immigrants, professions, ethnic minorities but also families, friends and church members. Only someone who lives as a recluse in complete isolation from society can be considered ‘non-member’. In today 's world, poverty is getting worse each day. Many people do not care about others necessities. Wasting food and water is not a good way to change the world. And they are the first ones who want a change in the world. College students who are aware of social issues around the world can come up with ideas to try to made people realize how hard it is to be living in harsh conditions. This could relate to the documentary "Living on One Dollar" created by four college students, who travel to Guatemala to face reality of the everyday lifestyle in Peña Blanca. For two months, they live on one dollar a day meaning they will not be able to live their every lifestyle. They asked themselves over and over again why they were there, they wanted to go home. Dying of hunger, lacking of money to pay for their necessities, destroyed, something they have never felt before. They also went around the area and asked some questions, on what would they do if they could do anything. One