Social Identity And Religion

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Religion, according to social identity theory has been most effective in giving knowledge into the connection between the self-idea and the social groups to which one belong (Tajfel and Turner, 1979). Relating to a group frequently gives us advantages to prosperity (for instance, by offering backing and a feeling of having a place in the group) (Baumeister and Leary, 1995; Haslam et al, 2009; Galen and Rogers, 2004; VonDras et al., 2007). Groups can also be competent to accomplishing objectives (for instance, social change through political activity (Verkuyten and Yildiz, 2007) that would somehow be unattainable at the individual level (Haslam et al., 2009). As a social identity anchored in a system of building beliefs, religious affiliations …show more content…

One of the precepts that may engage religious identity is the belief that one 's own religion is reality (Kinnvall, 2004; Stark, 2001; Wellman and Tokuno, 2004). Researchers such as, Soweid, Khawaja, and Salem (2004) have explored the relationship between religious identification and wellbeing practices, noticing relationship with decreased smoking and expanded goals to take after mammography recommendations (Bowen at al , 2003). Such discoveries are steady with research in regards to the religion wellbeing connection by and large and may be demonstrative of exceptionally religious individuals propensity to keep away from danger practices (Sinha at al, 2007; (Koenig, McCullough, and Larson, 2001), abide by authority rules (Altemeyer and Hunsberger, 2004; Graham and Haidt, 2009), or obey social principles (Saroglou, Delpierre, and Dernelle, 2004). In like manner, the few studies that have experimentally inspected relations between religious identity and mental wellbeing proposed that large amounts of identification are known with lower levels of mental misery. For instance, religious high identifiers exhibited diminished depressive symptomatology (Koteskey et al, 1991; Ysseldyk et al, 2009c) and improved self-regard (Talebi et al, 2009). Misery, dejection, and tension are likewise unequivocally connected with poor school performance for instance; students who are discouraged regularly skip classes, return home, or start mishandling alcohol or drugs (O 'Malley and Johnston, 2002; Perkins, 2002; Wechsler et al.,