The Importance Of Social Inclusion

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Most of the nation states throughout the world have developed some welfare system to remove and reduce undesirable conditions of living i.e. unemployment, illiteracy, social exclusion, poverty etc. The Governments make arrangements to provide services of food, healthcare, education and employment to all. However, the states are always more sensitive towards welfare of the economically, socially and educationally deprived sections of society. These sections are often called marginalized sections of society. The Govt. or welfare states strive to provideconduciveliving conditions to all but due to inequality in availability, accessibility and quality of public services to all; strong regional disparities come into existence.Inequalities in earnings have almost doubled in India over the last two decades, making it the worst performer on this count of all emerging economies.
All socio-economic disparities are accountable for making some sections of the society economically weaker and socially disadvantageous. The deprivation in the field of education can be considered as the most crucial one. Education then beyond all other devices is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance wheel of social machinery. (Mann 1848).
Education as agent for bringing Social Inclusion
Economic position of a person or group is often considered as a determinant of his access to resources and cultural capital of a society. Poverty or economic adversity is generally defined as a