Socialization In Childhood

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Socialization is considered a process that starts from birth (MCI, 2013a) and is without a doubt an important part of the child’s development. Social development has been found to be closely connected to the child’s emotional development (MCI, 2013a). During infancy the child forms relationships with others that provide him/her with the trust needed to become independent. This in turns provides the child with the self-esteem required to start exploring his/her environment. Clearly the child’s environment consists of people and this is where social interaction begins. …show more content…

During her play I notice Demetra use many words as well as gestures to express herself both to Michelle as well as myself hence indicating a form of communicational play (Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008). During event # 3 it can be suggested that Michelle is giving Demetra instructions in regards to the dinosaur’s food and Demetra is seen cooperating with Michelle perhaps in an attempt to please her. Both cooperative play (Child Development Institute, undated a) as well as the need to please and be like her friend (American Academy of Paediatrics 2013) are considered normal developmental milestones for a child of Demetras age.

During events #6 and 8 I observed Demetra leaving her work and walking off without tidying away. In both cases Demetra seems to be upset with Michelle. This also seemed to be the case in a later event (event # 16). Unlike the above cases in event # 14 when Demetra is not upset with Michelle she is seen clearing her plate from the snack table. This suggests that Demetra is sometimes affected by her emotions that interfere with moral …show more content…

Based on the norms of social development Demetra proves to be developing well. Even though is can be seen that during most of the observation Demetra showed a preference of playing with Michelle she was very aware of the other children around her. Hence, Demetra’s confidence leads me to believe that she experienced a positive early relationship (Barnes, 1995) with her primary carer provided her with the emotional stability needed to socialise with others (Barnes, 1995). Furthermore we shall examine her behaviour against developmental theories.

Piaget (in Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008) defined four stages of cognitive development. As mentioned above the second stage is the ‘Pre-operational stage’ (Piaget in Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008) which lasts from approximately 2 to 7 years. At this age, children are able to use symbols and pretend play, as for example when Demetra used the bread for a glass to toast. According to Piaget the pre-operational stage has two subdivisions; the Pre-conceptual stage from 2 to 4 years and the Intuitive stage from 4 to 7 years (Piaget in Macleod-Brudenell & Kay,