Masculinity Research Paper

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The Masculine Man must man up

The fragility of masculinity as a concept is worrisome. It breeds on creating fear in the other. Yet, what the in-breeder of masculinity seeks in the other is a concept far from it. That concept is femininity. Strangely, in popular queer literature, masculinity is defined as anything that is divorced from the idea of femininity.
Hence, masculinity by its very nature excludes. It excludes all things sweet. All things pink. All giggles, all whispers, all tiny hands, all small sizes.
Masculinity as we understand in today’s age, demands ‘bigness’. And by big, yes, you may be pondering upon the extravagant phallic surge to prove one’s worth in a cruel world of fellow masculinity owners.
Masculinity these days is …show more content…

What is our obsession with fitting in clear cut gender roles? What is our obsession with these ‘how to be’ sections in popular media?
Masculine Man. Masculine and man are concepts as fictional as spiderman, superman and batman.
Let us allow ourselves to wander freely with the so called differences from our self imposed utopian standards of being. The asymmetries in our characters point towards realness. They point towards struggles and a life which is less than perfect. After all, if we could buy perfection, all rich people would be saints and savants. There would be no sadness, no blue walls of guarded personalities. We clearly know from page 3 articles and other sources too that this is not the case.
What is true however is reality. And reality is distant from the conception and creation of gender binaries. We could choose to introspect and not cringe every time our being doesn’t align with the picturesque image of a gendered idol. That’s okay too; if however, we aspire to be a fictional form. Yet, beware of aspirations of this kind; they may lead to unapologetic madness roaring out of our