Nile River In Africa

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When people think of Africa and its civilization, one cannot truly do so without considering the significance of the River Nile to the continent of Africa and the people. In terms of length, Nile River is the longest river in the world stretching 4258 miles (6853 kilometers) ranking right before the Amazon River in South America. Overall, the Nile River basin is shared by 11 sovereign states covering almost 10% of all African continent. Also, the river can be divided into two sub-basins, including Easter Nile sub-basin which shares 85% of all Nile water and Great Equatorial lakes that share the rest of 15% of water (Mohamed, 2016). This paper will focus primarily on ways and which countries try to control the River Nile for their use. Moreover, …show more content…

Particularly, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania and, Uganda are countries that rely on River Nile for existence. However, in recent years, the water demand due to growing populations in these countries poses water shortage issues as these 10 countries house 40% of the continent's population. (El-Fadel, 2003). Historically, Egypt and the city of Cairo has been the main water user, but now other countries are developing water projects to benefit from the Nile water, which is resulting in more conflicts between nations over water possession.
In terms of control of the power of Nile River, it seems that Egypt is the most powerful actor because they have been in control of the river historically and they have the most resources to be able to have control over the river as opposed to other relatively poor nations that also use River Nile. Also, Egypt has been using the most amount of water resources than the other user …show more content…

In the next paper, I would like to focus on impacts of climate change on the Nile River Basin purely because of how much climate change could change the way millions of people live for worse. I want to dive deeper into understanding the challenges that many people are facing today, and potentially finding ways in which people could lessen the negative impacts of climate change on River Nile as the river is their main source of water and