Volunteerism Essay

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Volunteerism is an activity that suit for youth who want to make a different in the quality of life of people around them that involved more consumption of time and effort. By looking to the definition itself, volunteerism can be seen as any deeds that do not be exchanged by the money compared to other work. Kemp (2002) definition of volunteerism was "personal investment of people who spend their time freely with no rewards" (p. 225). From both definitions, it can be perceived that volunteerism is a form of work that does not involve money as the reward but it is more to satisfy ourselves when helping the needy. A journal entitled Empowering Youth Volunteerism: The Importance and Global Motivating Factors have cited from United Nations Volunteer (2011) that volunteerism can be split into several division; mutual or self-help, philanthropy or service to others, civic participation, and advocacy or campaigning. Volunteerism can be done anywhere regardless outside or inside Malaysia and there is no obvious discrepancy between both places when looking at the emergence factor. Based on the data collected by Raslinda (2003), she claimed that around 59 million people embrace in the volunteer work from September 2001 until September 2002 in the United States. Whereas, in Canada, the participants by aged 15 have involved in volunteering was around 7.5 million out of 24 million of people. This shows that people surrounding become alert and create good awareness in instilling