The Importance Of Water Resources

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Water is the fundamental source of life of all living creatures on Earth including humans. Although most of the planet is covered with water, only three percent (3%) is freshwater, suitable for human consumption and the rest is saltwater. The quality of life that people acquire depends also on the availability and the quality of water in the households. As human population and economies grow, there is an increasing awareness that the freshwater resources are finite enough for people to protect it both in terms of quality and quantity. Water is life, but water is for life as well.
According to the United Nations, the population growth accompanied by the corresponding increase in water use will surely reduce the water availability and will eventually link to poor sanitation. Over a billion people struggle to survive without access to clean water in some places worldwide. This intensifies the competition among people for a clean and sufficient supply of water for diverse human consumptions. Unfortunately, humans have proved to be inefficient water users. The challenge now is to find all approaches possible on how to conserve the world’s water resources effectively and efficiently for long term use.(David Pimentel1, 2004)
Water is everybody’s concern. The rising population and climate change are the identified factors expected to bring severe water shortages for one-third of the population in this century. The human negligence of water linked to pollution has reached to the