The Importance Of Writing Style

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Literature is incredibly diverse form of art, as it can be expressed in many different ways such as: genre, idea, execution and style of writing. Writing style is an essential part when it comes to the literature as it allows the writers to portray their unique identity through literature. The short explanation of the importance of writing style by Allen Wolfe states that "author’s style is his distinct literary manner that makes his expression of content unique from other authors. Style gives form to substance. An author’s style determines the techniques that he will employ to compose his content." (Wolfe, 2016.) This shows that different genre, idea of the story is not the only thing that shapes and influences the written work. There a lot of different components that defines the style of the author such as: punctuation, sentence structures, spelling, syntax, tone and other literary devices. Cormac McCarthy is the author that uses his own unique writing style which is clearly seen in his written works. While writing The Road McCarthy not only tried to develop and expand masterfully the post-apocalyptic world, which would leave a great and realistic impact to the reader, he also wanted to emphasize the bleakness and emptiness of the world by using "not fully developed language" while writing. McCarthy 's sentences like his characters have no in-between option, the sentences either are long such as "The man thought he seemed some sad and solitary changeling child announcing