The Inequalities Amongst The World And How They Came To Be, By Jared Diamond

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Inequalities Amongst the World and How They Came to Be While millions of people rest in the comfort of their three story homes in Modern America, hundreds of thousands of Papua New Guineans still hunt and gather for their next meal. Professor Jared Diamond provides, with research and evidence that stretches back thousands of years and experience from his documentary, a reason as to why some societies have a surplus of goods when some societies have so little. His thoughts are further developed in his book, Guns, Germs, and Steel. Many people still accept the most commonly given theory, where biology and innate ability is the key factor to a civilization’s success. However, this explanation is both intolerant and racist. Professor Diamond even …show more content…

Professor Jared Diamond suggests the idea of “geographic luck,” where the features and animals of the land helps a region become rich and prosperous or poor and feeble. For example, the conditions in Europe gave them the upper hand over other regions in the world, such as Papua New Guinea. The early peoples of Europe were blessed with a longer growing season, animals that could be domesticated easily, and milder weather. The inhabitants of Papua New Guinea had no useful animals and no crops that could fully support a healthy diet, whereas fulfilling crops, such as wheat and barley, were plentiful in Europe. The people of Papua New guinea were stuck with crops like sago, that did not provide enough nutrition and took an extended period of time to prepare to eat. Europeans could invest the time saved by these productive crops and the time saved by beneficial animals, such as cows, sheep, and pigs, into further developing their civilizations. On the other hand, some societies were too caught up feeding themselves, hunting and gathering. This explains why Europeans perfected iron working and why they were given advantages in battle, armed with metal weapons and tools. Professor Diamond even goes as far to say that “If the people of Papua New Guinea had had the same conditions as my (European) people, they would have been the ones to build helicopters.” Separate, individual …show more content…

Geography aids some societies, providing them with the best animals, the best crops, and the best physical land features. Likewise, germs aids some societies as well, arming them with deadly, yet invisible weapons and giving them an advantage during conquest. These answers to these questions of inequality can explain why some civilizations have risen up higher than others. It offers ideas as to help the other societies that have fallen behind. Jared Diamond’s theory of Guns, Germs, and Steel truly makes me feel gratitude as to being a citizen in Modern America, where my every need to catered to, and makes me wonder how I, as an individual, can help others who are not as fortunate as

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