The Influence Of Detective Pulp On American Popular Culture

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The Hard-boiled Detective had plenty of influence on American popular culture stemming from its roots in the 1920’s. These novels entertained tons of people throughout the country and abroad. But it had become a big influence on the youth at that time and helped shape the future. The implications that it left helped many people become literate. These Detective books were not too expensive due to the fact that they were pulp fiction. Pulp refers to the way that the paper was made, it became really inexpensive and plenty of people around the country could afford books made of out that material. The paper is that of almost a newspaper like quality. Most books back then were made of more expensive material and less efficient methods …show more content…

They thought of a being that could transcend humanity through power and the American dream. After being turned down everywhere they went, they finally sold the rights to Detective Comics and Superman was on its way to being born. If only they had realized what they created back then. It would revolutionize the world and popular culture. Nowadays you cannot go anywhere without seeing superhero movies posters or games or TV shows. They created a mythology that rivals the ancients. Superman was the perfect being, he stood up for the little guy while putting his fist down on the big one. He stood for the American people and the American way. Needless to say that society was eating it up and right when they needed it too. The superhero is a cousin, as well as the indirect offspring of the hard-boiled detective. They both had great influence on the culture at the times and the influence of both can still be seen today. Superheroes are a huge part of popular culture nowadays and we have the hard-boiled detective to thank for that. The hard-boiled

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