The Influence Of Dreaming

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An average person spends approximately 25 years sleeping, which means that one third of our life we dream. This shows that sleeping and experiencing dreams is a significant part of our life, which we most of the time do not fully realize (Artis, L.Tick Tock). A significant interest exists among humans not only nowadays but also in the past. Even philosophers in the past centuries as for example Sigmund Freud had been occupied with dreams in association with their occurrence, meanings and connection to the individual human being (Windt, J. Dreams and Dreaming). Every person is dreaming even though not everyone remembers. However, it is a fact that every individual is dreaming three to four times in total round about 2 hours. From …show more content…

From experiences we had, the idea to investigate dreams and their influence on human behavior was developed. Questions about dreams and their social function are becoming more frequent and more rigorous among the young people. Some scientific research claims that dreaming has no direct function to our daily life, but instead dreams are consequence of our brain processing the things, which have happened during the day. Other scientists studying sleep and dreams believe that dreaming has depth or meaning. In samples of general population, which have been done in the past the results have shown that between 40% and 75% of the surveyed people recall 1-5 strong and ´´ impactful dreams`` per month (Kuiken and Sikora, 1993; Stepansky et al. , 1998). Once a certain dream is brought to a person´s mind it is usually communicated or discussed with another trusted individual (VANN & Alperstein, 200; STefanikis, 1995) for instance, Vann and Alperstein found out that 98% of the 241 persons they questioned described sharing Dreams with others, mainly close friends, the partner and …show more content…

To address the targeted group effectively, we have posted the questionnaire in the social network Facebook, where the sampling frame consists of friends around our age. The sample is a non- probability sample, because we have not collected the responses randomly since only Facebook friends were asked to answer it. The number of participants, who took place in our survey, was 36 and the majority represents the female gender.

Dreams influence on daily behavior

Qualitative Research has been applied. This type of approach has been used to gain an understanding of the influence dreams have on people’s behavior also different opinions and motivations.
All the questions we have asked are based on multiple-choice principle, because we decided this kind of design would be more convenient for the responders and for us to analyze it. The questionnaire consists of ten questions.
To analyze whether the hypothesis could be retained, a qualitative method research was used. One of our aims was to investigate individual experiences. That is another reason we have chosen to concentrate on the qualitative data.
