Self-Help Books Authors: An Analysis

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The perspectives or beliefs that people have towards a certain aspect determine whether they will be successful or not. Self-help books’ authors observe that the mind of a human being plays an important role in determining the direction of life that he or she will take. According to Arkowitz and Lilienfeld (2006), self-help books’ authors have perfected the art of manipulating their readers psychologically to make them have the conviction that they can succeed in their endeavors. They insist that nothing is impossible as long as the mind is willing and set to undertake a particular action. Just as the self-help books, the beliefs that people have in the society are influential in how they approach various aspects so that they can succeed. The …show more content…

People tend to believe in what they see most of the times. According to Husband and Hellier, (2011), in the absence of proofs, words are ineffective in persuading the audience since they need the conviction that they would succeed if they follow a given procedure about how another person previously used it and made it in life. In reference to how students believe that higher learning education offers a platform of getting a better job, they are more convinced by the fact that there is statistical evidence proving this true. Graham and Paul (2010) explain that the more learned that a person is, the more the chances he or she has to a better job and succeeding in life. The authors note that education proponents in every part of the world encourage students to perform better in school and also to have that focus in life that they should aim at achieving higher education by stating that the more they learn in school, the better the job that they will get in future. The authors go ahead and present statistical data that relates to how people have been employed in previous years to various jobs depending on their levels of education. From their data presentation, it is clear that those who have college or university education are in decent jobs. Robbins (1994) observes that once a person has the conviction that a certain aspect will help him or her in life, he or she comes up with a strategy on how to put the aspect into effect. The students will, therefore, plan well on how to achieve the higher education. They will also be motivated to realize that the jobs are also well-paying (Kyllonen,