The Influence Of Sisters In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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Why do sisters have different personalities? Sisters have different personalities because their complete opposite. Sisters sometimes have conflict no matter the topic. Sisters with different personalities make their relationship special. This connects to the story ‘’Everyday Use’’ by Alice Walker, which focuses on two sisters. Dee is the older sister and Maggie is the younger sister. Both Dee and Maggie are the complete opposite. Dee is the good looking sister. She is smart, confident, educated and deeply determined while Maggie is unattractive, not smart, shy, uneducated and not driven. Birth order can influence many aspects of one’s personality. Sibling rivalry is more common than people realize. The role parents have with their child’s personality. The conflict between sisters can be …show more content…

The competition you have with your sibling can bring out the best out of you. According to research experts sibling rivalry is one of the most harmful and least addressed issues in a family. You know a sibling rivalry when you see it. For example, you would see it between Dee and Maggie. The two sisters have to compete for their mother’s love. On which sister should get the quilt. When Dee comes back home and wants the quilt but it is promised to Maggie. The quilt is a symbol of the family heritage and symbol of materialism. Dee wants the quilt so she can use it in her home as a decoration. Dee argues that the quilt would be used and she would provide it with protection as it hangs on the wall. Dee rejects her family heritage and while Maggie embraces her heritage. Mama wants the quilt to be used as a cover by her child. She labels the quilt as having been meant to be used as an everyday use. She gives it to Maggie and it boosts her sense of self-worth. Maggie is chosen over Dee. This fuels the sibling rivalry between Dee and Maggie because in the beginning Maggie was jealous of Dee and eventually Dee became jealous of