
The Informative Impact Of Social Media On Diabetes

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The chosen Social media application is Facebook, the health issue is diabetes and the social media strategy is health education. 1) Health communication has changed dramatically in the past few years. With more people joining the internet world including social media site like facebook, the ways of discussing chronic health issues such as diabetes are changing. With billions of users, Facebook allows health information such as education about diabetes be shared easily, and rapidly among people in a low-cost efficient way. It allows health organizations and institution to reach people all over the world. There is more than 60 fan page dedicated diabetes care on Facebook. Each page is dedicated to different or similar information such as …show more content…

It also tracked the likes and shares of each post that was deemed informative. this allowed a statistical averaging of the informative post on the external environment. The article mentions that of the useful information about 1.63 likes or comments were attached to the Post. This demonstrates that though the useful information is out there for support for diabetic foot patients, it is not being utilized as often in the sky is not extremely effective in reaching a massive amount of people. Meaning diabetic foot patients would have to search and seek out the external help without it being presented to them in a manner that is easily …show more content…

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