The Injustice In The Battle Of Gettysburg

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Lee began his campaign on June 3, 1863. It aided in the leading of the Battle of Gettysburg because in the early events of the war, the Union authorities were in the dark when it came to Lee’s intentions. When Hooker got word that Confederate troops were collecting about 25 miles northwest of Fredericksburg, he reacted. Hooker called 7,000 of his troopers and 3,000 of his best foot soldiers and gave the orders to “disperse and destroy.” This acted as the first and only offensive that Hooker launched during Lee’s invasion. Lee’s campaign tried to “trick” Union forces by getting them to focus on something else. The Union generals were already ahead of Lee in this aspect.

The Ousting of Hooker took place on June 27-28, 1863. “Time and time again Hooker refused to move with haste until he received reliable intelligence from Washington.” Hooker was an extremely cautious general and did not want to believe that he was better than the opposing sides troops. Numerous times, he greatly outnumbered his enemy but failed to comply with a victory. The last straw occurred at Harpers Ferry. Hooker failed to gain land and …show more content…

Suddenly, the Confederates spot a long line of Union troops headed their way. The information was transferred between corps until it reached A.P. Hill. Hill promised that the following morning, “he would go back to get those shoes.” Although, shoes are not the reason for the Battle of Gettysburg, it began because of the area road system. Gettysburg was a small town whose population was rising very quickly. “After defeating the Union forces of General Hooker at Chancellorsville… Confederate General Robert E. Lee decided to invade the North in hopes of further discouraging the enemy and possibly inducing European countries to recognize the