The Intercontinental Interaction Between The Settlers Of Indians And Europeans

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Indians vs. Settlers The intercontinental interaction between the Native Indians and European was very unique during all of the historical interactions among different nations. This interaction was characterized mainly by diversity, which played a significant role in assisting the European in suppressing the Indians and dominating the New Land due to the different ideologies and traditions that served on the behalf of the Europeans. During the colonization era, the relations between the Indians and Europeans did not follow only one track, in which the Indians reacted in different ways toward Europeans, which was also done by the Europeans toward the Indians. This diversity was rooted to the Indian’s traditions, the concept of land and freedom, and the different European policies that governed the …show more content…

For instance, Societies from Mexico and south areas were bigger and greater in scale and organization than that north of Mexico, in which Northern Indian lacked literacy, metal tools, and scientific knowledge necessary for long-distance navigation. The Aztec empire is a very great example about the Native Indian’s power and development in Mexico and Central America during mid fifteenth century and the beginning of the sixteenth century. The Mexica were able to find a great empire and develop a very well sophisticated civilization in their land, which composed of different elements that could make up a society in that era. The Aztec were able to establish a central governing authority in their empire, in which they had a ruler. They called their leader the Huey Tlatoani. The Huey Tlatoani was the ultimate power in the land. They felt that the ruler was appointed by the gods, and he decided when to go to war and how much tribute the tribes he ruled had to pay for the Aztec. Furthermore, the Aztec empire had other officials to oversee and rule the empire.