The Interlopers Conflict Essay

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An individual 's responsibility towards the disenfranchised is to stop evil in the world. In the story ‘’ The Interlopers’’ the hatred between the two families causes conflict in the story, “The possibility of evil” Mrs Strangeworth was spreading rumours about people in the community by sending letters around and the boy that finds Miss Strangeworth 's letters and cuts up her rose garden and tells Miss Strangeworth that the community knows it 's her that 's sending the letters, In the short story ‘’The Doll 's House’’ the Kelveys were not allowed to be around the little girls anymore and the town shunned them. In these stories the main characters look like good people that are doing evil things. And in ‘’The Night’’ the selection In the story ‘’The Interlopers’’ the conflict is the hatred between the two families. Throughout the story the hatred brings the them together by them becoming friends because that meant they had a chance to live because their men would help both of them out from under the tree instead of ones men getting his leader out and killing the other. But the hatred caused karama for the two families and destruction of the two main …show more content…

In the ‘’The Possibility of Evil’’ Mrs Strangeworth is spreading rumours about the people in the community. By Mrs Strangeworth sending those letters to people saying things to try and keep the community at peace when all it was really do was causing problems within the community the author of the short story used that conflict to show man 's inhumanity to man. When the boy finds the letters and figures out who has been writing them he tells Miss Strangeworth that the community now knows who has been writing the letters and spreading things that are not true. Miss Strangeworth thinks that informing the community of things that are happening around them that she sees and thinks that is going on she thinks she is helping them out but she 's really just causing problems with the community and making the people