The Joy Luck Club Literary Analysis

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Stylistic devices are an essential tool to any work of literature. Amy Tan’s use of first person point of view, imagery, and the misinterpretation of the four daughters’ struggle for independence all contribute to the cultural barrier that puts a blockade between mother immigrant, and their American born daughters. In The Joy Luck Club, the first person point of view is separated into four different sections, each explaining the different stories of four mothers and their daughters, exemplifying the conflict between traditional generations and cultures with the new American influenced cultures that their daughters represent.
In The Joy Luck Club, the first person point of view is separated into four different sections, each explaining the different stories of four mothers and their daughters, exemplifying the conflict between traditional generations and cultures with the new American influenced cultures that their daughters represent. With the death of Jing-Mei’s mother, there is an imbalance in the narrative voice. (Henderson 7)
The four places at the table, or the four people are compared to the four winds, which is a recurring image of the symbolic use of nature used throughout the book. Jing-Mei must retell her mother’s story. (Pin-Chia 282) The mothers and daughters all have different perspectives of the club. For the mothers: “A way to escape the hard life and raise spirits” (Joy 10-12) Daughters: A …show more content…

This connection will make it easier to see the comparison between the two. Amy Tan’s story is inspirational because even after suffering through some life changing events, she was able to pick herself up, and continue on with her life in order to be successful. These actions are evident in the way that Tan’s characters in The Joy Luck Club initially joined the club in order to help themselves escape the harsh realities of