Character Analysis: The Kardashian Curse

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“The Kardashian Curse”
Between spin-off programmes, beauty empires, breakups, babies and more, the women of the Kardashian clan have not spent much time out of the limelight since bursting onto our screens over a decade ago, however, a notable superstition has seemed to affect many of the male figures in this family. Described as, “The Kardashian Curse”- essentially, anyone who forms a relationship with a Kardashian is hexed. Addressed on the show by Kylie Jenner, "Their life kind of just goes downhill after that."

It is also interesting to note that the females of this family embody a number of typically ‘male’ stereotypes. The women in these relationships are usually the main breadwinners and often earn a lot more than their significant other. The Kardashians continue to break the status quo when it comes to gender stereotyping.
While no-one could have predicted Caitlyn Jenner’s’ sex change coming, the emasculation of Bruce Jenner was widely documented on KUWTK. Being manager to every member of the Kardashian family (including Bruce, until separation) taking charge of every situation is built into Kris Jenner’s DNA. However, Bruce’s resisted compliance and overall lack of enthusiasm to be involved in anything that was on Kris’s agenda indicates clearly that he may have been unhappy for some time. …show more content…

The jury is out on whether it is actually a curse which has this effect on the men in the Kardashians’ lives or whether they are actually just being sabotaged by the family to further their own agenda of fame and fortune. There are a number of examples of the “Kardashian Curse” in play, so much so, that it even became the premise for an episode during the 12th season of