The Key Message Of The Program By Nightline: Life After Prison

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Long 1
Safe Assign 4 The key message of the program by Nightline is how difficult life in a maximum security prison can be. The maximum security prison, especially a super max unit, is difficult on the inmate as well as the correctional officer. First, the documentary explains how the public has the perception that prison is easy, however, this program shows that life in a maximum security prison in not easy. Many believe that inmates enjoy working out, interacting with other inmates in games, and watching television, but the reality is much different in this type of prison. The classification of the types of inmates that are placed in these segregated units are deemed too dangerous to be with the general population and are …show more content…

The one last issue that American corrections is facing is the limited training that correctional officers are receiving. This issue coincides with the funding problems that corrections face. Training is essential for correctional officers because of the nature of job. The program points out that it is a very dangerous job, especially in a maximum security facility.

Long 3 The key message of the program Life after Prison is changing oneself. There are several ways that the program pointed out that an inmate must do to be successful out of prison by changing. The first way that an inmate can change is to utilize programs that are offered while in prison. Programs like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) to address addiction problems is one of the ways an inmate can change. Educational programs to obtain a
GED or a college degree can help change an inmate. There are vocational programs to learn new skills that can help an inmate gain employment when he or she is released from prison. All of these programs mentioned can and will work if the inmate is willing to do them as well as …show more content…

If an inmate doesn’t have any goals, or even too many goals when released, it can be detrimental on their success on the outside. Another important aspect about change with an inmate is their attitude about their upcoming parole. The program points out that the inmate has to have a good attitude going into their parole hearing. The last area about change is staying away from previous environments that could be harmful to the success living outside of prison. Going back to previous environments could expose him or her to the behavior that got them in prison in the first place. Gaining new friends is important and the program suggests that church could be a good place to gaining these new friends. The bottom line is the inmate’s overall willingness to change and not pretending to change in order to receive parole. The focus of the program Life after Prison was on a select group of people that were either in prison or that were out, however, the content did present some key issues that are related to
American corrections. The first issue that can relate is one that is always in the forefront of corrections is funding. The funding is provided by tax revenue and many other programs

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