Summary Of Okri

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What happened was that, after his unsatisfactory meal. [...] He ate the trees, the bushes, the rocks, the sand, and he even tried to eat the earth. [...] He began to-eat himself. He ate his legs, and his hands, and his shoulders, and his back, and his neck, and he ate his head. He ate himself till only his stomach remained. That night a terrible rain fell and the rain melted the stomach of the King of the Road. Our great-great-great-grandfather said that it rained for seven days and when it stopped raining the stomach had disappeared. [...] He is still hungry, and he will always be hungry. That is why there are so many accidents in the world. (301) In this story, Okri delineates the legend which seems true in African culture. Even we can believe instantly. In other words some critics focus the magical incidents from this novel, but Okri has refuted their comments by …show more content…

There is full of exaggeration where it is difficult to differentiate magical and real. But Okri gives evidence where we understand that the dream logic sequence in that TFR. …I was so hungry that I ate what I could of the offerings to the road and afterwards my stomach swelled and visions of road-spirits, hungry and annoyed, weaved in my brain. I went on bleeding and a black cat with golden eyes followed the trail of my blood. My head boiled with hallucinations. I walked on broken glass, on the hot sand of bush paths, on hot new tarmac. (134) The above passage comprises the abundance spiritual world where Azaro has been haunted by the spirits. He is unable to come out from that trance. That is why, he utters that his head boils with hallucinations. He walks on broken glass, on hot sand of bush paths, on hot new tarmac, which is almost impossible. Okri give absolute hint to identify the eraser of the magic realism that is none another than ‘dream logic sequence’. He has used this dexterity all over the