The King's Shadow Analysis

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The King’s shadow is a historical fiction that takes place during King Harold’s reign and specifically focuses on a young peasant named Evyn. As you might expect like any young person Evyn has dreams, specifically he wanted to become a storyteller. This is important as storytellers around this time, according to the book at least, often used their voices tell these tales rather than letting an individual read them. However, as you might expect from a story set during the medieval period Evyn’s dream will be stolen before he was even given a chance to even try. This was done by a group of thugs who not only cut off Evyn’s tongue, causing him to lose his voice, but also took it one step further and killed Evyn’s father. Later Evyn is taken …show more content…

List three evidences of this. The King’s Shadow is a historical fiction book as it takes place during the Norman conquest of the British Isles, or England. It’s fiction as the main character we follow is most likely made up as there’s no record of him even existing. Essentially he’s the vessel used in order for us to experience the time period. Another reason is the fact that one of the main characters, King Harold, actually did exist, heck they even mention Harold’s personal banner “The Fighting Man”. Granted though we don’t know exactly what it looks like, we just know that it was real. Finally, a lot of the characters we see in the book are based on real people, like the Norman King, William the Conqueror, or Harold’s brother, Tostig. Thus as previously stated the book is in fact a historical …show more content…

What did you think was the most interesting part of the book? Why? My favorite part of the book was the ending of the book and no I don’t mean that as an insult. You see the ending was extremely well done, from the moment we meet King Harold the book builds up the Battle of Hastings. However though to avoid answering question number 11, I’m going to get straight to the point. The Battle of Hastings was a good battle because the writer decided to take it slow, slowly building up the two armies clashing each other. Ultimately the two armies clashed into a brutal melee between each other and right when you think the English are going to win, the writer reminds you that this is history playing out not a fantasy battle. So ya that’s my favorite part of the book, as you might be able to