The Lady And The Tiger Analysis

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“Do not feign affection, neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, love is as perennial as the grass,” (Ehrman). Never lie about the way your heart feels because in the end love will be found, it will not shroud in the shadows. Love is in the air and all around us, and in the story “The Lady and the Tiger” the author, Frank R. Stockton conveys a young princess struggling with a life-altering choice involving her passion and feeling. Her lover had just been imprisoned (because of their relationship) and put on trial, he was brought into an arena and could either pick a door with a vicious tiger or one with his soon to be unwanted bride behind it. When asked for the princess help from him the author describes …show more content…

The princess’ lover had strong, adoring feelings for her and their relationship was harmonious, “She was the apple of his eye and was loved by him above all humanity. This love affair moved on happily for many months until the king happened to discover its existence. The youth was immediately cast into prison, never before had a subject dared to love the daughter of a king,” (Stockton) The young man took a great leap of faith and started a relationship with royalty. Their love was true and real but unfortunately, the king found out about their secret. The man took a risk and got caught but instead of claiming that the princess meant nothing to him, he stood his guard and was put in custody with an aching heart. The man acted on his courage and sacrificed himself for the gratifying, tender love he once owned. Love opened his eyes to temperance and he accepted his situation instead of turning to lying and deceit (which he knew would crush the soul of the girl he loved). In the end, the guy was petrified but all he could do was hope for the best outcome, he was near his deathbed, but he stood up for himself to save true love’s bond. Love shone through the thick, hazy cloud of other brutal emotions and guided him in selecting the right choice that would help out the woman he cherished, even if it bruised